Friday, June 17, 2011

Miss Daisy went to the vet the other day because we found some suspicious lumps on her. They look like little black scabs but deeper. Hard to explain.

They kept her over night and removed 4 growths from her little body. They cleaned her ears for her too! We won't know what the lumps are for about a week but we will defiantly keep you posted. They gave her some allergy meds for her itchies too and she is supposed to wear a t-shirt til the stitches are removed so she can't scratch. I put my old work shirt on her, it seemed appropriate!

Keep her in your thoughts!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Sleepy face

Little miss Daisy was very sleepy after the event last week. She curled up on the couch with her foster dad and uncle Will for a quick nap. She was so excited to have so many people want to love on her at Petco. And a very special thank you to the faithful blog followers that showed up and gave her belly rubs! She loves her belly rubs the most.

She has been doing so well. She is riding in the car without any anxiety. She is even slowly learning to sit!

We are sorry its been so long in-between posts this past month has been pretty hectic. We will try to update more often! <3

Thursday, April 14, 2011


I apologize for the lack of updating. In the last couple of weeks we did notice an open sore on Daisy's leg and decided to get it tested. The test came back positive for ringworm. Just as Daisy was getting used to the other dogs she has since now been back separated from other dogs. She has gotten some meds and is on her way to full recovery. She does have some short time interacting with the other dogs and people. Ringworm is very contagious, but it does look like she is healing and we have about 2 weeks on meds and she should be back to normal.

She is a total ham and really can't believe the trust in people she has after being through so much. We have had people over multiple times and she seems to do great with everyone. She is going to make someone very happy. She gets very excited and likes to play and always wants to be around you. She doesn't lick, but she will put her nose on your face and keep it there. Really odd, but I haven't met a Pit Bull that didn't have something quirky about their personality. I will be posting some pictures from last week. Enjoy! If you are interested in adopting Daisy, please visit You can donate on the website also. All the donations go straight to the care of the dogs like Daisy.

Daisy enjoying her new bed!

Daisy in the kitchen wondering "Whats for Dinner!?"

My good friend Will and Daisy being goofy.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Daisy is a sleepy girl after playing in the back yard. She is so silly. She will be totally calm one minute then have a spurt of energy and start doing circles and jumping around. It's like she knows that she will always have love food and fun now and is happy as can be because of it. She will sit nicely in her kennel while we sleep or work and wait patiently for us to let her out....then its Daisy-crazy time lol. She gets sooooo excited to see us. I love it and her of course!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March 16th

Its been awhile since Ive posted. In that time Dasiy has really come out of her shell. She got a bath tonight after we got back from sushi. We introduced her to Dharma tonight (offleash) and they are both in the office together playing. She obviously has the scars to show that she has been in a horrible situation before. As a foster you assume the worst, you assume that a dogs past will venture to the future. I assumed because she has the scars she will have a bad attitude towards other dogs, but tonight I can say that Daisy is a sweetheart. Forgiving to people, and other dogs.

Last Sunday we had an event and she did wonderful around people. And for the first time I saw her play with a toy. It was about 6 seconds, but anyone who has fostered or rescued a dog will embrace those seconds and realize that she is forgetting her past and doing what is natural.

Andrea from ModernPetFurtography was also there, now Daisy has some great headshots for her modeling career. Please visit her website at.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

So Daisy has been out a few times with Veda now. They both slept in the bed last night with us. We still haven't let her meet the big girls yet, other then the few minutes on leash with Bailey. We don't want to overwhelm her and she seems a little shy when she sees them.

The wounds where her drain was are almost completely gone and her hair is starting to grow back. She is finally eating dry dog food without fussing about it lol.

Hopefully the next post can be about her and the girls playing! We shall see...